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        Your Position:Home>Products>Welding gap>Weld Tester HT-9D

        Weld Tester HT-9D

        Product Detail

          Product Overview:

          HT-9D Weld flaw detector is a special instrument for ultrasonic inspection of rail welds, which is carried out in accordance with TB/T 2658[1].21-2007 "Rail Weld Operation Standard". Suitable for detecting 43kg/m ~ 75kg/m rail. The instrument adopts the integrated series probe array detection technology to realize the integration of a variety of detection methods, which can quickly detect the rail weld and the heat-affected zone of the whole section. Type A waveform and type B images are displayed on the same screen, and type A and type B images complement each other, which improves the defect detection rate. Automatic recording of inspection data and operation process in the whole process; Supporting computer playback software, with playback, analysis and statistical functions.

          Instrument characteristics:

          ● 4 channels working at the same time, with 7 detection methods;

          ● The integrated series probe has a high-speed cross drive mode of 4 send and 12 collect, and the repeated detection frequency is 180 times per second. The probe is quickly implemented on the rail surface, realizing the comprehensive detection of vertical, inclined, horizontal, flat and volume defects of the waist of the rail weld and its heat affected zone.

          ● A display waveform and B display images are displayed in the same screen partition at the same time, and A and B display images complement each other to improve the defect detection rate. Large screen, high brightness industrial color LCD screen, reliable performance, easy to observe;

          ● DAC curve function; The machine can work normally in the ambient temperature range of -25℃ ~ 45℃. The instrument can be used continuously for 10 hours under normal condition.


          Technical parameters:

          ● Number of channels: 4 transmitting channels, 15 receiving channels;

          ● Total attenuation: ≥80dB, step by 0.5dB;

          ● Attenuator attenuation error: in the working frequency band, every 12 dB error is not more than ±l dB;

          ● Amplifier bandwidth: not less than 1MHz ~ 8MHz;

          ● Detection sensitivity margin: a) A channel (rail head K2.5 channel) : ≥65dB;
                      b) B channel (bottom Angle of rail K2.5 channel) : ≥65dB;
                      c) C channel (custom Kx channel) : ≥55dB;
                      d) D channel (tandem detection) : ≥40dB;

          ● Resolution: ≥26dB (2.5MHz longitudinal wave);

          ● Dynamic range: ≥26dB;

          ● Vertical linearity error: ≤ 4%; Horizontal linear error: ≤ 2%

          ● Blocking range: ≤10mm;

          ● Sampling frequency: ≥100MHz;

          ● Electrical noise level: ≤10%;

          ● Transmitting pulse amplitude: ≥150VP-P;

          ● Transmitting pulse repetition rate: single-channel mode: 400 Hz±10%; Serial channel mode: 180 Hz ±10%;

          ● Detection range: a) A channel (rail head K2.5 channel) : 250±2mm;
                  b) B channel (bottom Angle of rail K2.5 channel) : 100±2mm;
                  c) C channel (custom Kx channel) : 250±2mm (K0 single transceiver);
                  d) D channel (tandem detection) : 300±2mm (K0.8 dual transceiver);

          ● Alarm threshold: reflex alarm threshold: echo higher than the vertical full amplitude of 50% alarm;
                  Penetrating alarm threshold: echo less than 30% of the vertical full amplitude alarm;

          ● Working current: ≤400mA. (Brightness 30%) : 180 Hz ±10%;

          ● Voltage adaptability: working voltage range 13.5V ~ 18V;

          ● Working environment temperature: -25℃ ~ +45℃;


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