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        Your Position:Home>Products>Welding gap>Weld Tester (General Type) HT-10

        Weld Tester (General Type) HT-10

        Product Detail

          nstrument features:

          Compared with the general flaw detector, it has 3 channels for parallel operation, which can be recorded in the whole process and replayed on the computer. Lighter than 9D and 9C instruments.

          Performance characteristics:

          Three channels work at the same time, so users do not need to change the probe frequently, which facilitates users to switch different channels;

          The whole process record can record all operation parameters, instrument settings, flaw detection data and marks all day long, and can be exported to the computer for playback and analysis through USB flash disk;

          GPS positioning function: operation track of the current day and GPS value of each joint can be seen in playback software;

          DAC curve function;

          Automatic gain;

          Automatic measurement function;

          The body is small and exquisite, easy to carry;

          Digital automatic display of the horizontal, vertical and sound path parameters of the damage wave, convenient for positioning and detection;

          High brightness industrial color LCD screen, reliable performance, different channel A display waveform uses different colors, friendly interface, easy for users to observe.


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