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        Application of GCT-8C Rail Flaw Detector in Shenyang Railway Bureau

        Time:2023-06-21 Click:1860

        Case Content

        Railway inspection workers in the cold winter


        On January 13th, a worker used a rail flaw detector for testing.

        At present, it is on March 9th, and the Northeast region has entered extremely cold weather. At 5:30 in the morning, the outdoor temperature was as low as minus 27 ℃. Along the Changchun railway station of Changchun Public Works Section of Shenyang Railway Bureau, flaw detection workers walked to the railway rails to "feel the pulse". By using a combination of ultrasonic rail flaw detector and manual inspection, night shift workers investigate and promptly detect various rail defects, and take corrective measures based on the damage situation to ensure the safe operation of trains along the way.


        On January 13th, two inspectors from the Changchun Works Department of Shenyang Railway Bureau were inspecting the steel rails along the train.

        Since the beginning of winter, the temperature difference between day and night has increased, and the probability of cracks or nuclear damage inside the steel rails has increased. To ensure the quality of inspection work, workers generally travel at a speed of no more than 3 kilometers per hour. The task of more than 10 kilometers per team takes an average of five or six hours, and the workers who change shifts are all exhausted and unable to stand up.


        On January 13, the flaw detection workers of Changchun Public Works Section of Shenyang Railway Bureau inspected the rails along the Changchun railway station

        The 2016 Spring Festival Transport will begin on January 24th, with Changchun Railway Station expected to send 2.7 million passengers. During this period, dozens of additional trains will increase the pressure on railway inspection workers. However, the workers' requirements for their respective positions remain unchanged, which is to fully ensure that passengers feel safe and at ease when traveling.


        On January 13th, Yongqing (right) from the inspection section of the Changchun Works Department of Shenyang Railway Bureau looked through the handover inspection records.


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